Monday 5 November 2012

Chicken Nerves

In a moment of lapsed sanity, I signed up to take part in the Travelling Chicken blogsite. A little ceramic chicken travels around the world, from artist to artist. Each artist does a piece involving the TC, and blogs it, which makes a nice record of different approaches, and is, in theory, a lovely idea.
Where the idea falls flat, is when the actual box actually arrives in the actual post and you actually have to actually produce something. Not only that, but you throw it on out there for others to see. Now I love seeing peoples artwork, brilliant , it's just I'm ever so slightly neurotically wary of people seeing mine. I'm all for great big stonking bushels plopped on top of any glimmer of light. Whatever a bushel is.

Rant over. This  morning was beautifully sunny , so I tootled out to the garden with the TC to meet the girls. This is Bunty. Any diversion really rather than hit the paint. I'm sure I need to clean something.


  1. Evie, don't be such a chicken!:) I look forward to seeing your painting on the TC blog! Your paintings are always lovely so please give yourself more credit! You're doing great!

    1. Ha ha you got it in one, mega big time chickening out going on :-)
      Thanks Kathleen

  2. I look forward to seeing your TC pieces........ Good luck
