Friday 26 October 2012

Measuring up for baking.

My eyes were killing me yesterday, I must have been at the computer for four hours at that horrid essay, and it's still not written! Anyway, I decided enough was enough and dashed out to do a pic.
These are my measuring spoons ( in case that's not apparent!). I think they turned out to be a bit complex for me & I was tired & my eyes stung & I was pushed for time &  it was freezing & that's about as many excuses as I can come up with. It didn't really work.
Off to Dorset this afternoon for half term, I won't bring my paints as if I have free time, I'll have to use it to write about the blasted crusades.

1 comment:

  1. Those measuring spoons are great! I have the same ones in turquoise - I will have to try painting them - you have sown the seed! You are doing well with your OU course too!
