Tuesday 6 November 2012

Big scary little chicken.

I have to say, quite honestly, this  was quite an ordeal. This is effort number three!
I've not painted under such ( self imposed it has to be said) pressure before. I'm sure there is some awful mean rule of the universe that says the one time you really want to produce something good, is the time it won't happen.
I'm happy with bits, and I don't think it's an utter failure of an attempt, but, being entirely honest with myself, it's by no means wonderful, which is what would have been nice for this sort of thing. It isn't loose free and lively. I've discovered before that my best pictures happen when I'm not at all bothered , and when I just try without thinking. This involved so much thinking and bother, it's a wonder I didn't wear through the paper.
I suppose it is good to take part in things, but at the moment I feel like scurrying right back into my nice private safe little hole, where I paint just cos I like painting.
EDIT: for diary record, this is the first time I've painted from a photo/laptop. It sort of feels like cheating, but I don't know why; it's still trying to translate what you see into marks made with paint. I think it also felt like I had nearly too much information. logically it must be the same information being fed through your eyes, but it felt a bit more stark and all there, whereas just looking, I think I'm more able to break it down into a more  simplified version. Dunno, will see in time.


  1. It's lovely, stop giving yourself a hard time!!! Relax, my dear, don't put yourself under pressure!!! We all do it and it is just NOT worth it!

    1. Thanks Margaret, yes, pointless stressy fit there, I've calmed down now :-)

  2. I love this painting! The way TC is looking at the egg and her reflection in the bowl. It's really nicely done! And, your post on The Traveling Chicken Blog is hilarious. Hope everyone will check it out!


  3. Thank you Kathleen, for yet againg being so very nice and positive.

  4. Is this painting of The Traveling Chicken for sale?

  5. Hello! ever so sorry I'm so late replying - I suppose it is if you are still interested. Let me know and we can go from there.
