Friday, 20 June 2014

Garden bits on the tablet.

I've finished studying for this year, but of course rather than being released into a life of blissful freedom, I've been released into catching up with all the stuff I've ignored while manically writing horrid essays. Hence, I've been painting the kitchen, battling with the Laurel hedge( it won), battling with the weeds ( they won) and attempting to get two daughters ready for their prom next week. What very silly things proms are!
So up to this I haven't been painting at all, but I kept up a small bit of sketching on the tablet. It's darned quick and handy for just little exercises.

It's not something that is done for the results ( obviously) , more for the practice - it's very  useful for just thinking about tones and colours, or just looking at light - this is a bit of late afternoon sun at the end of the garden. And this was just done sitting in the bay window.

I'd never attempt to paint something like that - but it's nice to try and do something.

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