Monday, 21 March 2011

Tomatoes two

The first of the Isle of Wight tomatoes are in, I think the tomatoes we have eaten for the last few months have all been from Sicily and Spain, so it's nice for some reason to see the first English ones.

Well the tomatoes may be deep , dark , and delicious looking, but this is dull dull dull. On one hand I'm still quite thrilled that any of these pics arent entirely disgustingly ghastly, but... on the other... 
I'm disappointed at the sludgy green/grey/godknowswhat background colour. The tomatoes are I suppose tomatoey, but a bit bitty. I can be very hesitant about where to put what brushstroke, I think it shows. Big confident boldness would be so much better. 
Early days , ho hum.

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