Sunday, 17 July 2011


I love Daylillies, each bloom only lasts a day, but the plant keeps on producing and producing, it's like they put on a big triumphant happy smile each day. I've got them in shade and in sun, in yellow and in deep red, I do nothing to them and they just keep on coming. Great plant. I'm also a sucker for these little candle holders, they're only  cheapy things from Homebase, but I think they are rather lovely.
This took a bit more time than usual, it necessitated  lots and lots of staring. Do artists all have wrinkly eyes from squinting? Anyway, I thought the glass was too wonky, and it isn't as simple as I'd like. Paul and the kids were quite complimentary though , even my uncommunicative  lump of teenager son who notices nothing said nice stuff, so I'll quit complaining.

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