Tuesday, 15 January 2019

In need of some colour

We walk the commons around us every morning, and although I absolutely know we are lucky with our access to the countryside around us, and although I absolutely adore being out there - God but it's dull these days. Bleached-brown dead leaves, rust-brown collapsed bracken, grey-brown scrawny heather, and dun-brown bare trees- brown, brown,brown, brown. I'm heartily sick of it.

I felt a desperate need for some colour!

And lo and behold - colour!  in bramble leaves of all things. They are quite gorgeous once you start keeping an eye out for them - there are some lovely rich tones in there.

I started watching out for some more little touches of colour, but with limited success: the wild rose hips were on their very shriveled last legs;  the crab apples were beginning to rot.

All that concentrated peering means I am noticing little colour shifts in places I haven't before. 

It also means I look like an utter mad woman, wandering about, staring into ditches, filling my pockets with mouldy crabs. If I came across me out there, I'd avoid me.

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